VerpackG, LUCID, EPR registration, and Dual Systems: What? Monta explains the meaning of the German Packaging Act.

If you’re planning to sell products in Germany, it’s essential to be familiar with the VerpackG, the German Packaging Act. There are various additional terms involved, such as EPR registration, LUCID, and Dual Systems. But what do they all mean?

The VerpackG legislation and related registration processes are designed to minimize the environmental impact of packaging and contribute to a more sustainable future. This article will help you understand how to participate in a dual system, how to register with the LUCID Packaging Register, and what your next steps should be.

The German Packaging Act (VerpackG)

VerpackG is a German packaging law that came into effect in January 2019, requiring companies to participate in a so-called dual system. The purpose of this legislation is to ensure that all packaging used within Germany is registered and that these packagings are processed and recycled in an environmentally friendly manner.

The registration obligation applies to the first party that introduces the packaging into the German market. If you have a webshop and send orders to consumers, you are always subject to a registration obligation concerning your packagings. Note: In the event that you receive products pre-packaged from your supplier and forward the products to consumers in the same packaging, the following applies:

  • If you receive products pre-packaged from Germany and forward them without changing or adding anything to the packaging, then the supplier of the pre-packaged products must be registered for the packaging.
  • If you receive products pre-packaged from a country outside Germany and forward them without changing or adding anything to the packaging, then you are considered the one introducing the product into the German market in an ‘unknown’ packaging, and thus registration is required.

Good to know: If you fail to register when you should, you risk high fines of up to 200,000 euros! This is indeed an essential factor to consider when you plan to ship to/from Germany.

Step 1: Registration with the Central Packaging Register LUCID

The Central Packaging Register LUCID is a German authority responsible for the management and enforcement of the packaging law. Companies selling packaged products in Germany must register with this authority through an EPR registration. This can be done via All relevant company data will be stored there. The EPR registration ensures that companies are held accountable for the packaging they place on the market and encourages them to use more environmentally friendly packaging solutions.

Step 2: Registration with a Dual System

To comply with the VerpackG, companies must then register with one of the approved dual systems / German waste management companies that work in collaboration with the German government. These private waste processing companies are responsible for the professional collection, sorting, and recycling of the (packaging introduced by you to the market). As a business, you will pay a fee based on the packaging materials used and the quantity. A useful resource for comparing different providers is the website Verpackungslizenz-Vergleich (Packaging License Comparison).

It’s important to remember that complying with the VerpackG and registering with the appropriate authorities and dual systems is crucial for selling products in Germany while ensuring environmental responsibility and avoiding potential fines.

Step 3: Provide the EPR Number to Marketplaces

Once you have registered with the Central Packaging Register LUCID, you will receive your EPR registration number. It is essential to provide this number to the marketplaces where you sell your products. These marketplaces could include platforms like Amazon, Otto, and Kaufland.

Step 4: Submit Annual Declaration

Make sure to submit your packaging quantities annually, no later than January 31st, through!


Complying with the requirements of the German Packaging Act is crucial for webshops looking to sell products in Germany. By participating in a Dual System and registering with the Central Packaging Register LUCID, your webshop can operate successfully in the German market and contribute to a more sustainable future for packaging waste management. Adhering to this legislation and choosing the right packaging license provider not only helps you meet legal requirements but also improves your company’s image and attracts environmentally conscious customers. It might even inspire you to take similar initiatives beyond Germany!

Martien Verhaar
Martien Verhaar

Martien Verhaar is a Content Marketing Specialist at Monta, combining over 5 years of experience in logistics fulfillment with his passion for creating high-quality content. From technical development to optimizing fulfillment processes, Martien supports e-commerce businesses in improving their logistics and achieving sustainable success. With his expertise and practical insights, he contributes to developing efficient, future-oriented solutions for fulfillment challenges.

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