Our privacy statement

This privacy statement applies to all data processed by Monta (Monta Holding B.V. and all operating companies) through the website www.gomonta.com and other websites and portals published by Monta. This privacy statement describes what data is collected about you, what this data is used for and with whom and under what conditions this data may be shared with third parties. We also explain to you how we store your data and how we protect your data from misuse, and what rights you have in relation to the personal data you provide to us.

If you have any questions about our privacy statement, please contact us. Our contact details can be found at the end of our privacy statement. 

Vision of data statement

Monta works with personal data on a daily basis. We thereby attach great importance to the privacy of all involved. It is our aim to always treat everyone who comes into contact with our company in line with applicable privacy laws and regulations. We will thereby endeavour to never betray the trust of a customer, employee or other contact. Our aim is to provide supervisory bodies with the necessary information as soon as possible so that our compliance with laws and regulations can be assessed. 

Code of conduct for data privacy 

Anyone who works at Monta or works for Monta has taken note of our code of conduct and abides by it. 

  1. We respect the privacy of all our contacts (employees, colleagues, customers, addressees, suppliers, etc.). 
  2. We take good care of the data entrusted to us. 
  3. We ensure that unauthorised persons cannot access the data entrusted to us. 
  4. We do not collect more data than is required for correct processing and the purpose we share. 
  5. We do not retain the data for longer than necessary or mandatory. 
  6. If our suppliers or customers receive confidential data from us, we impose the same duty of care on them. 
  7. If we gather or combine a visitor/user’s data from multiple sources, we will state this unequivocally, indicating our purpose and the benefit to the visitor/user. 
  8. We are open about the data we have stored about a visitor/user. 
  9. Where possible, we will give the visitor/user the opportunity to change, delete or transfer that data themselves, or we will assist in doing so. 
  10. We do not provide, share or sell any traceable data to any other party unless we have explicitly requested and obtained consent for this, or have a legal obligation to do so. 

Whose personal data do we process and why 

We process the data of various target groups (website visitors, interested parties, customers (and their end customers), job applicants, employees) and for various purposes.  

We do not keep personal data for longer than necessary for the purpose for which we process the data. 

  • For website visitors, we record how the website is used by means of cookies. We do this in order to improve the website and tailor the information. You can find more information on this in our separate cookie notice on our website.
  • If you as an interested party request information via the website, we store the information provided in our CRM system. We process this information to inform you about products and services.
  • If you become a customer with us, we supplement the data with the information required for the contractual and administrative obligations.
  • If you are a newsletter subscriber, you can unsubscribe via each newsletter.
  • Customers who use our software to record the name and address details of their end customers decide themselves how long they retain the data. By default, this is 90 days.
  • As a job applicant, you provide us with personal data so that we can assess your application.
  • If you become an employee with us, we supplement the personal data with the information required for the employment contract and the administrative obligations.


We do not share the (personal) data provided by you with other parties, unless this is necessary for the performance of the agreement or to comply with a legal obligation. 


We take appropriate security measures to limit misuse of or unauthorised access to your (personal) data. Only the necessary people have access to your data; access to the data is protected and our security measures are regularly checked. 


When visiting a website, certain information files are stored on or read from the visitor’s device (e.g. PC, tablet or smartphone). This is done through the web browser on the device. You can read more about our cookies, accepting or rejecting them and deleting them in our cookie notice on our website. 

Third party websites 

This privacy statement does not apply to third party websites linked to our website through links. 

Access, correction and right to object 

If you have provided us with personal data, you may send us a request to view, amend or delete such data. You can make this request through this privacy form. 

Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens) 

Obviously we are also happy to help if you have any complaints about the processing of your personal data. Under privacy legislation, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens) about our processing of your personal data. You should contact the Dutch Data Protection Authority for this purpose. 

Amendments to privacy statement

Finally, please note that we may make changes to this privacy statement. We therefore recommend that you consult this privacy statement regularly. 

Contact details 

Should you have any further questions and/or comments after reading our privacy statement, please contact us using the contact details below. 

Website: www.gomonta.com Address: Polderweg-Oost 19, 2973 AN Molenaarsgraaf Telephone: +31850208690 E-mail: privacy@monta.nl